Woah! legs all damn sore!! haha
went to mid valley wif my laopo and tania..
damn interesting.. running from one end to
the other.. legs also almost broken! haha
normal la when wif frenz rite?? ^^
btw.. we bought 3 t-shirts.. lookin
like skul uniforms.. but haven buy de
skirt yet... lol.. the shirt oni cost Rm25
but de skirt is Rm70!! damn rite??
so in the end we didn't buy de damn skirt..
thought of goin to pasar malam this coming
tuesday.. but not confirm yet la.. ahha
btw.. exams coming!! damn it!! OH MY LORD!!!!
getting so much freakin pressure from the teachers
and my MOM!! argh!!!!!!!!!!!! all expecting me for 7As
damn! Damn! Damn! damn!!!!! cant take it!!
scared i cant maintain.. OH DAMN IT!!!
i'm so scared i cant live up to their expectations...
Argh!! really duno wad to do le!! lol.. anyways..
i'm damn frustrated.. and i dun wanna tok abt it anymore
so bak to mid valley.. we watch Get Smart lol..
Tania's mom picked me up and sent me home~
well.. she paid everything.. my laopo and I felt
so bad.. wanted to belanja bak her.. but she refused..
and payed for ALL~~.. lol.. wad to do??? hehe..
lol.. 4got to upload the pic pulak.. anyways.. here
it is.. wad'ya tink abt it?? haha...
Whoopee!! H2o day reli rocked the house..
loved it!! got myself all freakin wet..
and lucky now i came bak quickly go mandi..
if not my hair sure polluted like mad wei..
haha.. 2day in skul..
cacat betul la.. tis derek.. x abis2 disturbing me!
go kacau PY la!!! ishk ishk ishk..
dat was b4 recess.. wasnt dat bad la..
den we oso had debate for Moral.. its
was damn fun wei.. h4h4h..
after dat had to go for recess!
even cacated.. stupid stickman..
go and make a tune while imitating a penguin..
ishk.. i noe la he saja wan make me mad!
keep up and down de stairs.. shit betul..
ishk ishk ishk.. babi la..
den after dat.. bak in cls..
even teruk.. derek conteng on my hand..
my book and he even took my bottle, and pencil box..
shyt right??? babi syaitan.. den le..
i smack him damn hard til marsya said, "cool down(2x)"
lol.. i heard dat he was sick.. as if i believe la..
if he so sick, i doubt dat he can disturb me and my other
frenz la.. lol.. den i took pics of him.. got one dat incl PY in oso..
haha... after skul..oso after H2O day.. i
managed to take chee mun's pic and jeffrey's pic together..
omg.. so cute.. hahaha... i oso took a pic of Chi Kwan..
lol.. tania, my laopo and my keep chasing him.. wan to hug him
so he can oso get wet..lol.. but den x jadi..
after tania and my laopo went back.. i walked around la while
waiting for my fren.. so i spotted Chi Kwan again..
so i said, "Let's hug!" den he say, "ok.. hug la.."
den i talked to him for a while.. and we hugged! haha..
wad la.. just as frenz oni.. actually he was wet..
its just dat cuz he was wearing a white shirt, it
ain't dat obvious.. LOL.. while chit-chatting..
i saw IVAN... lol..but i din layan.. dunno
y i keep avoiding him oso? its not like i still hv
feelings for him or something, rite??? ahha
kk la.. dun wan add anymore le..
well.. today was quite fun i guess..
had fights in class.. as usual..
wif DEREK.. haha
4eva kacau-ing me.. taking my bottle,
pencil box, and books to play wif..
sometimes i wonder.. how does PY
even control him??? she can reli stand him la
God! wad la.. anyways.. he go take my bottle..
tried to pour my water again like yesterday!
damn him la.. dahla keep making me angry..
but luckily i can stand him too..
though sometimes i enjoy being disturbed by
him.. cuz its reli boring when he ain't around..
lol.. i hope my frenz incl him will remain in the same
class until our form 5s' are done.. haha
den after dat.. terpaksa la go seperate ways..
ahah.. haiz.. next yr my laopo gonna move skul le..
go Saujana.. Thank God the skuls nearby..haha..
plus.. we can still keep in contact though am reli gonna
miss her.. lol.. i hope we can run our blog as long as ever!
lol.. it seems so many people wanna move..
even 'my daughter' oso.. she's gonna
move next yr to Sri Sentosa.. lol.. i kept tis secret for
abt 8-9 months ady.. i tink most of dem ady
noe she's gonna move next yr.. haha..
besides her.. kha nih tha oso may wanna move
to a better skul.. haiz.. all oso like dat..
our spongebob pulak moved end of last month..
haiz.. she lagi teruk.. move to Malacca..
haha.. lucky i still hv my gud frenz around me..
hehe.. i posted so much abt my frenz..
lol.. i siao ady..^^ but i reli do appreciate dem
being by my side.. i noe we often quarrel..
but dat's wad frenz do rite?? haha..
kk la.. dunno wad to continue much..
hmm.. let me tink... maybe i should tok abt...
ahha! i GOT it.. its jun yeong.. lol..
he reli funny la.. i dunno wad to comment
on him sometimes.. tania, neesha and me
feels dat he's acting so GAY..
he keeps wanting to tok to Stickman.. i
have no idea why.. and he keeps asking me
about de damn stickman.. cuz he tinks de freakin
stickman and I are close... zzz..we just fight like
shit oni.. and dat's wad he means by close????lol..
well.. i guess dat's all der is for me to post 2day.. haha..
oh ya.. wanted to add one more thing.. Neesha and me agree
dat Derek is reli annoying but w/o him.. its ackward.. haha
and oso dat we both reli reli reli LIKE HIM a lot..
eh.. dun tink negatively ar.. JUST AS A FREN ONI!
kk la.. sayounara minna!
lol! 2day in skul was damn fun wei..
kena zadao betul..
my frenz and i tot oral today..
padahal its actually next week!!
lol.. so in de end we all just laughed and den
b4 English even started tis Derek reli siao wan..
ask me for topics for his oral test..
so i said up to him la.. cuz its his interest and his partners
interest rite?? so we were like fighting..
den after dat i ask la.. wad is ur interest and wad u wan to
told about.. he pulak answer me crap..
saying i wanna tok about sex.. reli zadao la..
recess time was quite cacat.. but i had fun..
cuz when i started my duty (i jaga tangga depan blok A)
haifa and I were like chit-chatting..
den tis stupid Stickman (Wisely) go and kacau me..
call me penguin again.. ishk!! so i got angry
and shouted back "shut up la stupid stickman!"
den his prefect dudes..(5F and 5G) started laughing..
bangang betul la.. after dat cacated Kei Vin keep staring at me!
u see la.. when i like him he never looks.. now when i dun..
he keeps lookin! ishk!.. nvm.. dat was SO OVER.. haha..
de best period was SCIENCE cuz we did few experiment!
whoo-hoo..damn dun wei.. we're doin chapter 6 de experiments..
yay.. gonna move to chapter 7(my most hated topic)
lol.. but wif Mr.Lim teaching.. its easier to catch compare
to others who teach but NO freakin fun at all! haha..
kk la.. gtg visit my other blog pulak..
yo waddup??
haha.. just posting for fun..
cuz my frenz(tania, keshmeet, my 2ndlaopo and I have created a new blog!!
its called www.worldcyberfriends.blogspot.com
cum and see it as u like la..
ahha...actually we tot of creating tis blog..
when our english techer told us to get a group
for our oral and do wadeva topic we choose..
so i told them why not do the topic
about our circle of frenz.. so den we all agreed..
and den we name our group as the above link..
and from der we decided to make dat blog..
ahha.. so.. ntg much la.. thinking on how to
do de blog and arrange it..
heheh.. in skul pulak cacat la.. kena ejek by
wisely again!.. summore call me penguin so many times!
grr!! so i ended up calling him stickman..
but kena zadao!! so i tink gonna chg it to woody~~
haha.. kk la.. hv to tink nbout de other blog pulak
Damn happy wei.. de best experience ever..
went to UKM on the 6th.. just came back 2day(8th)
lol.. i stayed with neesha in one room..
hehehe.. one day have abt 3 rounds of debate.. siao rite??
we met a lot of skuls..except for seri serdang.. cuz
their are out fren..so not gonna mention
1. Maahad Wahadiah
2. SSP
lol.. we manage to enter the Quarter finals oni..
well.. 1st time in U debate ma.. normal la..
haha.. Seri Serdang students damn cool..
especially Wafiq, Putera and the girls..(12 of dem.. lazy to mention)
cant wait till after PMR.. den can meet dem again..
haha.. not oni dem.. the champions for the debate..
"Piala Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal-Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni(HEPA)"
that is Asrama Yayasan Selangor (AYS)
are so damn nice.. especially ADAM and ATHIRAH..
they gave us some pointers on debate oso.. and told us NOT
to ever give up.. haha.. damn sweet!!
too bad i 4got to ask ADAMS number!! argh..
next yr cant see him anymore.. cuz he's form 5..
haiz.. lol.. anyways.. i so damn happy la..
oh ya! 4got to add.. we tried to kacau the guys in the
boys dorm.. but we failed to search for the seri serdang guys..
the worst part was dat we did some waving and games wif ppl
from the guys dorm cuz we tot they were seri serdang guys..
padahal.. SHIT it wasnt dem.. dunno hu la until now!
kk la.. lazy wan to write ady.. haha.. damn happy making myself gila
hahaha.... BYEZZZZ