Mar 18, 2017

Wow it's been over 3 years since I last logged in to my blog..

Time has passed and who'd thought I'd end up working in Singapore?

God has been wonderful to me. Got to work at such a great place with great people.

Though I may not enjoy every part of the working process as the way people work here can be quite "square", I take this as another learning experience and a stepping stone for me to grow even more.

Working with kids has always been a joy to me eventhough sometimes they can REALLY annoy & irritate the hell out of me (not kidding at all...try having someone that's like a broken tape recorder and someone that has a voice of a loudspeaker)

This year is a big challenge for me as I've never actually worked so closely with special needs children before on a long term basis (the most I've done was a week! or 4 times a month) They are just sweethearts but sometimes they can really be difficult to manage since I'm not specialized in this area (I would love to study further on this area)

Staying alone is doing me great too! All the privacy to myself and no need to worry or compromise anything ;D But rental isn't such a great joy... since it has increased.. my monthly budget for self-spending has to decrease.. oh wells! I believe God will continue to provide as He has done for me the past year. Hehe

I guess that's all.. gonna sign out now.. until next time.........

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